Faith S. Harden is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and affiliated faculty in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies, the Program in Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory, and the Division for Late Medieval & Reformation Studies, as well as with the American Literary Translators Association at the University of Arizona. Her research and teaching center on the literary and intellectual history of early modern transatlantic Spain, particularly the picaresque novel, autobiographical fiction and life writing, and the work of women playwrights and poets. She has recently published her first book, Arms and Letters: Military Life Writing in Early Modern Spain. The book explores gendered representations of honor, violence, and literary self-fashioning in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century soldiers' memoirs. She is currently at work on three projects: a special issue for the journal eHumanista on Military Lives in the Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World; an English translation of the picaresque novel Estebanillo González; and a monograph on the literary and cultural significance of animal imagery in peninsular and colonial Spanish texts.
Courses Taught
- SPAN 511: Speaking From The Margins: Voicing Alterity In Medieval & Early Modern Hispanic Literature (Spring 2020)
- SPAN 511: Writing Lives in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (Spring 2015)
- SPAN 510: New Directions in Global Iberian Studies (1400-1700) (Spring 2023)
- SPAN 510: Writing Women in the Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic World (Spring 2018, Spring 2022)
- SPAN 510: The Literature of War: From the Classical Epic to the Picaresque Novel (Fall 2015, Spring 2019)
- SPAN 501: Introduction to Hispanic Studies (Fall 2019)
- SPAN 498H (Honors Thesis): Divergent Sexualities and Gender Identities in Colonial Mexico and Brazil (Fall 2018-Spring 2019)
- SPAN 449ª: Writing Women in the Early Modern Hispanic World (Spring 2014)
- SPAN 449ª: Truth and Fiction: From Early Modern Autobiography to the Birth of the Novel (Fall 2013)
- SPAN 430: España ayer y hoy: historia y cultura española (Fall 2014; Fall 2016)
- SPAN 400: Suvey of Peninsular Spanish Literature (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
- SPAN 350: Introduction to Literary Analysis (Fall 2013-Spring 2020)
- HNRS 195J: Honors College Freshman Colloquium: Don Quixote: Madness, Melancholy, and Humor in the First Modern Novel (Fall 2015)