Colloquium Schedule
Fall 2023
- October 6
- Discourse/Pragmatic Variation in the Pragmatic System of Southern Arizona Spanish (Brandon J. C. Martínez - University of Arizona)
- Spanish grammatical gender assignment of Basque nouns (Alicia Brown - University of Arizona)
- November 3
- From 'Cuck' to 'Prostitute': Crosslinguistic Variation of Dekasegi in Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese Online Discourse (Miguel Germán Román - Indiana University, Bloomington)
- Identity as a sociolinguistic factor in minorized contexts (Eukene Franco-Landa - University of Miami)
- December 1
- Processing accented speech in the L1: Does L2-accented phonetic detail impede lexical access? (Hadley Forst - University of Arizona)
- Reduplicación total de constituyentes en la gramática del español (Alma González Camacho - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Spring 2023
- February 6th
- Raquel Horvath de Andrade (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul): Explicit pronunciation instruction in Portuguese as an Additional Language for Spanish speakers: effects on the degree of similarity to the native pattern and on the local intelligibility of /s/ and /z/
- Hope M. Anderson (Arizona State University): SulLa proficiencia en la clase de español: ¿Cómo desarrollarla?
- March 13th
- Luiz Rodrigues (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul): El léxico del cuerpo humano en los libros didácticos para la enseñanza del portugués como lengua adicional: una nueva propuesta de material didáctico
- Annie Ornelles (Georgetown University): Linguistic Landscape Perceptions and Attitudes on Bilingualism in the Galician Visual Landscape
- April 10th:
- Alice Ribeiro Dionizio (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina): Las metáforas del coronavírus en el periódico Folha de São Paulo
- Alicia M Brown (University of Arizona): Marcador diferencial de objetos por parte de hispanohablantes rumanos en Madrid
Fall 2022
- September 29th:
- Taehyeong (Martín) Kim (University of Arizona): Análisis de percepción de la resilabificación del español.
- Gabriella Licata (University of California, Berkeley): The damage of standard language ideologies: US Spanish and indexes of deficiency.
- October 27th:
- Mariana Bulegon (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul): El cine en clase de Portugués Lengua Adicional
- Isabel Last (CEO/Founder of Faena): Faena: Spanish language learning video game
- November 17th:
- Katie VanDyne (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign): Optionality in Spanish adjunct control structures
- John Powell (University of Arizona): White Supremacists’ Weaponization of Heritage Languages and Language Revitalization
Spring 2022
- January 27th:
- Susana Madinabeitia Manso (Universidad de Navarra, Spain): Evaluación dinámica en la clase de ELE
- Celia Bravo Díaz (University of Minnesota): L2 Acquisition of Spanish VOT by Chinese-Speaking Learners: A Cross-sectional Study
- March 24th:
- Dr. Brian Hibbs (Dalton State College) – English/Spanish Contrasts: Using English and Spanish Linguistics to Reach English Language Learners
- Jessica Tiegs (University of Arizona) – Vowel Sandhi in Castilian Spanish: The Acoustics of Vowel Sequences across a Word Boundary
Fall 2021
- September 30th:
- Brian Gravely (University of Arizona): “Differential object marking strategies and the case of Galician".
- Isabella Calafate de Barros (University of Arizona): “Mood variation among Spanish-English bilinguals in Southern Arizona: cross-dialectal continuities and methodological considerations".
- November 4th:
- Helena Escalera & Ellen Deemer (University of Arizona): “¡Ay, señora, perdóname!: Pragmalinguistic differences in apologies between L1, L2 and Heritage speakers of Spanish".
- Carlos Krapp López (University of Arizona): “Problemón: Grammatical and semantic properties of Spanish suffix -ón".
Spring 2021
- February 18th:
- Mariana Centanin Bertho (University of Arizona): “Working with learner corpus data: an introduction to MACAWS (Multilingual Academic Corpus of Assignments - Writing and Speech)".
- Andrija Petrovic (Stony Brook University): “Modeling morphological epenthesis".
- March 18th:
- Álicia Brown (University of Arizona): “A variationist exploration of past tense progressive forms in the Spanish of Tucson".
- Tamara Gómez Carrero (University of Valladolid): “The eyes are a window to the mind: The processing of Spanish grammatical gender in codeswitching".
- April 15th:
- Ángela Matute Sánchez (University of Arizona): “Syntax-discourse interface: a corpus-based study of left dislocated constructions in Spanish".
- Marina Cárcamo García (University of Arizona): “Interpretation skills of SHL and L2 learners of T&I in Southern Arizona: a methodological approach".
Fall 2020
- September 15th:
- Catherine Rockey (University of Arizona): “Language Alternation in Text Message-Based Interactions: A sequential analysis of (dis)alignment strategies”
- Marina Cárcamo-García (University of Arizona): “Intra-sentential code-mixing in L2 Portuguese acquisition of Venezuelan immigrants in Brazil”
- October 20th:
- Lauren Souter (University of Arizona): “Proposed (Tri-)border Research on Linguistic Ideologies and Anaphoric Direct Object (ADO) Expression in Spanish and Portuguese”
- Carlos Krapp-López (University of Arizona): “Dativos de interés transferido en castellano"
- November 17th:
- Alicia Brown (University of Arizona): “Dialect stylization for comedic effect in the construction and performance of Basque modernity".
- Ben Brown (Northern Arizona University): “El ritmo de los hablantes de herencia del español".
Spring 2020
- February 19th (NSSHL Practice Talks):
- Carmella Scorcia Pacheco (University of Arizona): "Critical Language Awareness through Music and Activism in the SHL Classroom"
- Isabella Calafate de Barros (University of Arizona): "Struggles of Not Feeling Latino Enough: A pedagogical tool for Critical Translingual Competence in SHL education"
- Daniela Torres Cirina (University of Arizona): "Integrating Technology-Enhanced Instruction in Heritage Language Classrooms"
- Sara Alcázar Silva (University of Arizona): "Empowering Heritage Language Learners by Centering Symbolic Competence"
Fall 2019
- September 18th:
- Hadley Forst (University of Arizona): “Perception of Unstressed Vowels by L2 Spanish Learners: Syllable Position, Orthography and Experience”
- Marina Cárcamo (University of Arizona): “Sociolinguistic Data Collection in the Venezuelan Diaspora in the Campinas region, Brazil”.
- October 9th:
- Catherine Rockey and Jessica Tiegs (University of Arizona): “Mobile Application Use in Technology-Enhanced DCTs”
- Lauren Souter (University of Arizona): “SALE hasta 70% dcto: Examining the context of language distribution in storefronts in Colombian malls”
- October 16th (HLS Practice Talks):
- Posters
- Isabella Calafate de Barros (University of Arizona): “Variation in mood selection in Spanish of Southern Arizona”
- Mariana Centanin Bertho (University of Arizona): “The authority of the native speaker towards non-native accent: language attitudes in a YouTube channel”
- Presentations
- Ángela Matute Sánchez (University of Arizona): “The Future Tense Expression in Southern Arizona Spanish”
- Jessica Tiegs (University of Arizona): “Falar bem o português: dialectal attitudes toward Brazilian and European Portuguese”
- Mariela López (University of Arizona): “Phonetic variation and second-language phonological development”
- Posters
- November 20th:
- Alicia M. Brown (University of Arizona): “A sociolinguistic approach to acceptability judgment tasks: Graduate school programs as communities of practice”
- Laura Fontana Soares (Fullbright/University of Arizona): “Guidelines for the elaboration of a teaching material of Portuguese as a Welcoming Language for forced immigrants”
Fall 2018
- September 2018: Dr. David Medeiros (University of Arizona) "Universal Grammar, universal parsing, and Universal 20"
- October 2018: Dr. Peter Ecke (University of Arizona) "Errores léxicos y problemas de búsqueda de palabras en aprendices de una tercera lengua: ¿Cómo interpretar y cómo tratarlos?"
- December 2018: Dr. Jill Jegerski (University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign) "Lexical factors in the processing of distance dependencies in Spanish as a second language"
Fall 2017
September 15th: Dr. David Medeiros (University of Arizona) "Universal Grammar, universal parsing, and Universal 20"
Spring 2017
- February 17th: Dr. Jungyeul Park (University of Arizona) "Parsing the Spanish Treebank".
- March 24th: Dr. Miriam Díaz (Concordia University, Canada) "Simultaneous vs. Sequential bilingualism in L3 speech learning: a work in progress".
- April 21st: Dr. Travis Bradley (University of California-Davis) "Phonological implications of Geminate Consonants in Moroccan Judeo-Spanish"
- May 18th: Dr. Ana de Prada Pérez (University of Florida) "The effect of grammatical person on bilingual subject production".
Fall 2016
- September 30th: Ryan Bessett (University of Arizona) “The role of phonology in discerning lone other-language items as borrowing or codeswitches”.
- October 14th: Dr. Julio Villa-García & Imanol Suárez-Palma (University of Manchester & University of Arizona) “Covert and Overt Subject Development in the context of BFLA”
- November 4th: Dr. María Luisa Zubizarreta (University of Southern California) “The Syntactic Encoding of Perspective and the Person Case Constraint”.
- December 2nd: Adriana Picoral (University of Arizona) : "Effects of L1 in L2 language production: evidence from learner corpus data".
Spring 2016
- April 6th: Dr. Livia Oushiro (UNICAMP, Brazil) “Social and structural constraints in lectal cohesion”
- May 6th: Tasha Campbell (University of Arizona) “Vamos a una exposición de croquis… ¿de cróquises?: Nominal plural formation and the Heritage Speaker of Spanish”
Fall 2015
- November 6th: Dr. Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro (University of Illinois, Chicago) "L3 development as a lens on the nature of existing linguistic systems"
- December 4th: Dr. Malcah Yaeger-Dror (University of Arizona) "What you need to know before you complete your fieldwork"
Spring 2015
- February 4th: Claire Julia Lozano (University of Arizona) “‘Oh, you speak Spanish. So, you don’t need to take Spanish classes’: Heritage Language Learners’ Attitudes Towards Proficiency and Maintenance”
- March 11th: Andrea Herrera Dulcet "The discourse markers so and entonces in the bilingual narratives of south Arizona: Using muletillas to walk across bilingual narratives”
- April 22nd: Joseph Kern(University of Arizona) "Elevating and Celebrating Sociolinguistic Diversity: A Pedagogical Framework for the Second Language Spanish Classroom”
- May 14th: Katherine O'Donnell Christoffersen (University of New Mexico) "Show me the money!: Tips for funding your dissertation research"
Fall 2014
- September 24th: Hope Anderson (University of Arizona) "¿“Se van olvidando del español” o “van a seguir hablando”? El uso del progresivo con distintos verbos auxiliares en el español del sur de Arizona"
- November 5th: Poster Session
- Hope Anderson (University of Arizona) “¿“Se van olvidando del español” o “van a seguir hablando”? El uso del progresivo con distintos verbos auxiliares en el español del sur de Arizona"
- Ryan M Bessett and Marta Ramírez Martínez (University of Arizona) “Variación en las construcciones condiciones con si en el habla sonorense monolingüe y bilingüe”
- Stephanie Brock (University of Arizona) ““Frijoles en un hot dog, ¿cómo es eso posible?”: The classification of English-origin nouns in Spanish”
- Miguel Llompart García (University of Arizona) “Positional Neutralization of back vowels in two Majorcan Catalan Dialects”
- Míriam Rodríguez (University of Arizona) “The discourse marker ‘este’ in Arizona Spanish”
Spring 2014
- January 29th: Miguel Llompart (University of Arizona) “La ‘r francesa’ en Sóller (Mallorca): Diferencias en el proceso de adquisición en hablantes bilingües catalodominantes e interferencia fonética”
- February 5th: Michael Child (University of Arizona) “Morphosyntactic Transfer in L3 Portuguese Learning: Context of Acquisition vs. Language Proficiency”
- March 5th: Ryan Bessett, Joseph Casillas, and Marta Ramírez Martínez (University of Arizona) “Language choice and accommodation: Casual encounters along the U.S. border”
- April 2nd: Joseph Kern (University of Arizona) “Strategies of Direct Quotation in the Spanish of the U.S. Southwest”
- May 7th: Dr. Álvaro Cerrón-Palomino (Arizona State University) “Syntactic Priming in the Andes: Subject Expression in the Spanish of Huancayo, Peru”
Fall 2013
- October 2nd: Joseph Casillas (University of Arizona) “Perception of English /i/ /I/ tense/lax vowel contrast by Spanish/English early bilinguals”
- November 6th: Dr. Leah Fabiano-Smith (University of Arizona) “Diagnostic Criteria for Bilingual Spanish-English Speaking Children with Speech Sound Disorders”
Spring 2013
- February 1st: Brian Funk (University of Arizona) “On Southwestern Sinalefa”
- March 1st: Dr. Ana Carvalho (University of Arizona) “Sociolinguistic continuities along the border: The case of Portuguese in contact with Spanish in north Uruguay”
- April 3rd: Dr. Sonia Colina (University of Arizona) “Spanish voiced obstruent alternation and underspecification in OT”
Fall 2012
- September 21st: Ryan Bessett (University of Arizona) “"Los efectos del bilingüismo sobre la extensión de estar: un análisis del dialecto sonorense de Hermosillo, México y Tucson, Arizona”
- October 19th: Joseph Kern (University of Arizona) “‘Como’ in commute: The travels of a discourse marker across languages”
- November 16th: Dr. Miguel Simonet “Phrase-medial deaccenting in Spanish wh-questions”
- December 7th: Mark Amengual (University of Texas, Austin) “Production and perception of Catalan-specific categories by Majorcan Spanish-Catalan bilinguals”